Blue and Silver Trim Saturday, Feb 28 2009 

Blue and Silver Trim

27 February 2009

It has been a very fulfilling day! I write this tonight, at the end of a Friday. I’m sitting in bed, between my sleeping husband and my purring cat. We had dinner here at home, prepared by Kyle. During the day I got to visit with a couple of dear friends, one on the phone and one in person, and enjoyed a lively conversation with my mom on the phone, too.

My work day included the finish work on Ryan’s “George Boleyn” order—a pile of grommets and some hand sewing. Ryan picked up his entire order and took it away around two o’clock. I am very pleased with both the look of it, and the fit. After that, I did a little computer work, and then dug into the next project which is a cassock-style robe for James. James and Jessie play a pair of brothers who are Transylvanian nobility in the performing company of Scarborough Renaissance Festival. I made Jessie a robe like this a couple of years ago, and this year he wanted another one. And I think James decided he couldn’t be outdone! So, I have the honour of doing new outfits for both of them. My photo today is of one of the fancy trims I’ll be using on James’ robe.

It’s all cut out, now, and tomorrow I’ll do the major assembly and with any luck get it mostly trimmed out, too. No more relaxing weekend days off, that’s for sure. But when the days go smoothly and are as satisfying as this one, it’s not so bad.


Kyle’s Keys Saturday, Feb 28 2009 

Kyle's Keys

26 February 2009

I have no good reason for taking a photo of Kyle’s keys. They were just there.

“There” was the table at Abuelo’s—the place that has become our Mexican food eatery of choice. I worked my little butt off all day, was ready for Ryan’s fitting and was so pleased that it went well, that I decided I should have that margarita I’d been wanting all day. Kyle is a pretty easy sell on not having to cook, so off we went.