The Fabric Not Used

21 February 2009

I own more fabric than I shall ever be able to sew in my lifetime.

A friend said that about me last summer, and I have decided she was right. This photo is of an amazing piece of fabric that I have decided not to use for the purpose I had originally intended. As such, that renders it currently without a purpose at all. And, I’m afraid my shelves are full of such lovely things with no real purpose.

Of course, there are plenty of shelves and Rubbermaid tubs full of yards and yards of fabric that do have a purpose, too. But, there’s a lot of cool stuff here I just don’t need to have.

Anybody interested in shopping at the “MaritaBeth Fabric Store?” If you need short yardage (five yards or less) this might be the place to check. I’d sure like to be able to turn some of this fabric back into money . . . hmmmm. Perhaps a big “garage” sale targeted at only those who sew?