Utensils Sunday, Sep 30 2007 

29 September 2007
Finally caught up again and posting yesterday’s photo as is (was/should be) my habit.
Yesterday was a bit of a challenge. The day started with a conference call that didn’t go as well as I would have wished, but wasn’t all in all bad, either. A few issues to work out, that’s all. Marita Beth emerged from the bedroom after finishing up The Dark Is Rising and jokingly demanded her coffee. That simple joke set me off for no good reason, and the day began a rapid tumble downhill. Every single aspect of that downturn could have been avoided by simple communication, but I wasn’t having any of it. What, talk with my wife? Actually communicate with her? *psshhh* Why would I do that? We did try to rescue the day by going to see a movie, but that turned into a bit of a mushup, too, as the movie we were going to see didn’t sound enjoyable after all. So, we planned to see The Game Plan, but god’s teeth there were a lot of kids in that theatre. We settled on The Kingdom, which I’d been wanting to see anyway, but MB had no desire to see (ooops, communication again). I walked out of there thinking that it was the most intelligent movie I’d seen all year. MB walked out of there an emotional wreck (precursed, I’m sure, by our already emotionally turbulent morning). From there, we had to make a quick journey to Fry’s to pick up a 2.5″ enclosure and a new screwdriver. The screwdriver is actually for work since the TSA confiscated mine on my last trip even though screwdrivers of under 6″ are specifically listed in the “Allowable” portion of their website. But, that’s a completely different, much longer story, that I don’t want to write about at the moment. Following Fry’s we took a quick drive through the new shopping centre, The Highlands, to see what was coming in. We settled on BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse. Delightful food and absolutely excellent Bock and college football on the telly. Good time, even though UT lost to Kansas State. I tried, during our visit there, to use MB’s camera to capture my “Man-Made Abstract” assignment. This is what I got:
It’s not quite as good as my previous unintentional entry, but it’s an interesting shot nonetheless. The day ended with a Rugby match seeing Scotland go over Italy into the Quarter Finals of the Rugby World Cup. Then it was off to bed for a dreamless, much-needed, long sleep.

~KR (29 September 2007)

Watching Everton v Middlesborough (Associated Football)
on Fox Sports Channel (Live)
Current Score 2-0
Time: 58:19

Camera: Canon PowerShot A520
Exposure: 0.25 sec (1/4)
Aperture: f/2.6
Focal Length: 5.8 mm
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire

Barback at BJs Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

Barback at BJs

29 September 2007

I began the day by not even getting out of bed for the first couple of hours I was awake.  Kyle was hosting a conference call, and after playing with the cat for while, I decided to finish the book I was involved in–The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper.  A movie entitled The Seeker opens soon, and since it’s at least loosely based on Ms Cooper’s writings, I wanted to re-read the book before I saw the film. 

When I got up I found Kyle, finished with his work commitments and watching an Arsenal match.  We tried in vain to come up with a plan for the day, and finally chose to see a movie at two o’clock.  We went out, thinking we were going to see a comedy called Good Luck, Chuck and decided as we parked to see the football movie starring the Rock, instead.  Then, while waiting to buy tickets, we realised that Saturday afternoon might not be the best time to go see a Disney movie, and we chose at the very last moment to buy tickets to The Kingdom, starting in just moments.

First, let me say that this movie begins with the very best history lesson I’ve had in many years.  The opening segment is a narrative—like a stylized power point presentation—giving the history of American-Arab relations for the last hundred years or so.  In today’s world, I strongly believe that this five (or so)-minute clip from this film should be required viewing for every American.  Maybe it could be played in Driver’s License office waiting rooms, or bank lobbies, or grocery store check-out lanes, or someplace where nearly every American eventually goes.  And without a doubt it should be shown in every classroom of every school of every type—public, private, tech, vo-tech, etc.  It is a brilliant encapsulation of how we got . . . here. 

Second, I’d say that the acting is top-notch.  The story is excellent, although disturbing.  The special effects are well-done enough to be freaking scary.  And as a wonderfully, unexpected bonus—the music is amazing.  The soundtrack, is beautiful, perfect, and haunting.  Danny Elfman has long been on my personal list of musical geniuses, but he has completely outdone himself with this one.

All that praise should indicate that I enjoyed the film.  But, honestly, I don’t think that’s possible.  Enjoying this film, that is.  It is excellent.  By all means go see it.  But, do not expect to enjoy it.  I cannot remember the last time I left a theatre feeling so completely emotionally drained. 

I get “involved” in movies.  I love movies and I really do get involved.  I don’t go to movies to “escape” as some people claim.  I go to be entertained.  And entertainment, for me, is emotional.  Whether I’m laughing or crying, happy, sad, mad, scared, intrigued, inspired, or merely interested—I’m feeling emotions.  Now, I’m also the sap who cries at the old McDonald’s commercials, the new American Airlines commercials, and yesterday morning I teared up watching the Bruce Springsteen concert in Rockefeller Center on the Today Show.  But, today, while listening to the music over the closing credits at the end of The Kingdom, I cried like a baby.

I cried because I live in a world where people can hate each other so much.  I cried for the intolerance and misunderstanding and injustice.  I cried for the victims, living and dead, from Oklahoma City and New York and Washington D.C.  and Madrid and London.  I cried for the soldiers—on both sides—doing what their sense of duty dictates.  And for the ones who die doing it. 

In fact, it’s been hours, now . . . we went out and bought the device we needed from Fry’s to complete my computer transition, and we had a delightful dinner at BJ’s Brew House, where I took this photo of the bottles on the barback.  It’s been hours and I still have tears in my eyes. 


038? Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

28 September 2007
TGIF. Can it be said too many times? It was quite the week, but the week was over…finally. Knowing, this I slept in a little later than I had been and took a leisurely path to work. On the way, I stopped to take photos of yet another natural gas well. But, I decided on this one of the lock “protecting” the gate instead:
Not that the images of the area aren’t worth the posting, I just liked this one best. I believe I’m becoming a fan of the close-up, the bokeh and extreme depth of field photo. Not that I can’t see the beauty in or even utilize other styles, I just think this is where my personal photographic journey is taking me.

~KR (28 September 2007)

Watching Scotland v Italy (Rugby)
on Setanta Sports (Delayed)
Current Score 18-13
Time: 56:54
(It’s still too close to call, and has been a cracking match. If you’re not watching the Rugby World Cup…shame on you)

Scotland are through to the Quarter Finals with a win over Italy

Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Exposure: 0.006 sec (1/160)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 5.8 mm
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire, auto mode

Our Goofy Bartenders Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

Our Goofy Bartenders

28 September 2007

Yet another day of unpacking and organization at home.  Boring on the one hand–especially if you’re just reading about it.  But, on the other hand, it feels pretty good to be making such progress. 

However much “fun” I was having, however, I was more than ready for a break when Kyle called to see if he should pick me up on his way to No Frills.  Terrill met us there, and the three of us enjoyed some trivia, some poker and some beer, until we decided we were hungry for something other than the regular NFG fare.  So, Kyle suggested Asian Bowl and Terrill decided to join us there, too!  It was a good meal, and Glenda got a take-out order of crab rangoon out of it!

My photo was taken at No Frills just before we headed out.  I’d been playing with my beer mat for quite a while, and had created this hole from the soaked center part.  I wanted to photograph it, and Terrill got the idea to stand it up in the block of tickets.  I took a few shots with slightly different angles, and then Bryce decided he wanted in the picture.  So, we got the framing and then Joey jumped in, too.  Crazy boys.  Good bartenders.


Abstract Weave Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

26 September 2007
As you’ve likely sussed out, I’m behind again. The rapid posting behaviour only occurs when I’m days behind, if not weeks. In this case, I’ve done two posts, with 3 more to go before being up-to-snuff. One of the most frustrating things that occurs when I’m this far behind is that I will receive a new “assignment” between taking the photo and actually posting about it. This photo
would be great for the current assignment “Man-Made Abstract”, but since I’ve not technically received that assignment yet, I will simply use this as “Yet Another Day in Which I didn’t Take an Early Photo” image. I hope you don’t mind.

~KR (26 September 2007)

Watching Scotland v Italy (Rugby)
on Setanta Sports (Delayed)
Current Score 6-7
Time: 15:40

Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Exposure: 0.8 sec (4/5)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 5.8 mm
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire

The Moth Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

25 September 2007
The Moth cometh.
The day came early, too early for me. Although I’m not averse to getting up early, I’m not used to getting up early and really getting a move on. Today, I had no choice. It was the first day of a three day train-the-trainer session, and I was one of three main trainers-to-be-trained. True that my boss, and our ever present contractor were there but still I felt a certain onus, a responsibility. So, I arrived bright and early to greet our two representatives from the training entity (our new vendor). I also greeted this fine fellow:
You can’t quite glean his size from the photo, and that fault lies with the photographer (me)! He actually was a quite spectacular fellow. I’ve no idea his species, genus or phylum (is that correct?), but he was magnificent. Sadly, I believe he was also quite dead, or dying, as he didn’t move at all when I touched him. Later in the day he was gone. I don’t know what happened to him (her?). Did he fly off and live out his life, or did some unwitting boot or high-heeled toe take what little remained? Whatever, he was brilliant and beautiful.

It’s a Banded Sphinx Moth


~KR (25 September 2007)

Watching Scotland v Italy (Rugby)
on Setanta Sports (Delayed)
Current Score 3-0
Time: 2:08

Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Exposure: 0.04 sec (1/25)
Aperture: f/3.2
Focal Length: 38.6 mm
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire

Candle Saturday, Sep 29 2007 

24 September 2007
Monday dawned and Marita Beth was still sick. Really sick, in fact. Neither of us got much sleep that night before (especially with that crazy dream about Paul – “I tried to help, but you know Paul, he’s really finicky. He didn’t like any of the meat I brought home.” – Like I said, weird.). So, what with sleep deprivation, worry over my wife (last time she was this sick, it was menangitis) and the upcoming training sessions, my day was every bit as surreal as Marita Beth’s day. To top it off, the photo I took,
is the same subject as the photo she took. Weird.

~KR (24 September 2007)

Watching Birmingham v Manchester United
on Fox Soccer Channel
Current Score: 0-1
Time: 92:01

Camera: Canon PowerShot S1 IS
Exposure: 0.067 sec (1/15)
Aperture: f/2.8
Focal Length: 5.8 mm
Exposure Bias: 0/3 EV
Flash: Flash did not fire

Project Organization Friday, Sep 28 2007 

Project Organization

27 September 2007

After years of living with cardboard boxes and file folders bulging with photos, clippings, programs, tickets, letters, and ultimately—memories, I finally have found a way to organize it that really seems to work for me.  This photo shows my new Scrapbooking Storage Units that I finally pulled out of the trailer and set up today.  I love them!

This summer, I discovered that Iris Inc., manufacturer of many wonderful storage items, is located less than five minutes from the Bristol Faire site.  Now, that would be nothing more than just interesting if it hadn’t been for one thing . . . it seems they have an annual warehouse clearance sale, where they actually invite the general public into their facility to take advantage of some wholesale pricing.  Oh boy—like a kid in a candy shop . . .

So, on a limited budget, I chose carefully, passing up many items in which I would have otherwise been very interested.  I picked up a couple of things to help with my living space there, and I bought these two wonderful scrapbook storage units.  I’d seen these in stores like Joann’s, and passed them up based on the retail price.  But, now that I’ve got two—I realize they’re worth the price.  And at the price I paid, they’re fabulous!

I set up one unit with nothing but my paper collection.  What makes these things really special for croppers, is that they are one of the few safe and practical ways to keep 12×12 inch papers.  I cannot tell you how many manufacturers make the insides of their drawers 11-3/4 inches!  Obviously not focusing on the scrapbooking market.  So, I’ve been storing my paper in a very cool rolling cropper bag, which I also love.  But, when I lugged that to a recent crop I realized just how freaking heavy it was!  I don’t need to take every piece of paper to a crop—I just need a good way to store and access every piece of paper whenever I do want it.  Now, I have that.

The other unit, I set up with a few of my current or future projects.  I have a wonderful old scrapbook I built for myself in 1981, that encapsulates my first eighteen years on this planet.  But, of course, that was years before the scrapbooking industry really came into its own, and concepts like “acid-free” began to dominate croppers motives.  In fact, it was years before anyone coined the word “cropping!”  So, it’s an old-fashioned style scrapbook—the pages are construction paper quality, the stuff is all glued in with rubber cement, and it needs to be rescued.  So, that’s a huge project, where I get to take that big album and make it into probably at least two new albums.  Then, there’s the TCU years; the rest of the eighties; the Kyle years, including all the renfaire stuff; and the book I want to do that’s all about our pets.  There’s the album I’ve envisioned that’s all about A Wardrobe in Time, complete with fabric swatches and design sketches and photos of all my big commissioned work.   There’s the book I must create that will be all about our June 2005 “Trip 2 Scotland.”  And, of course, there’s the birthday gift album I started for my brother a few years ago that tells the story of his first eighteen years—almost half finished since 2003.  I’ve never had all the stuff so accessible and so organized.   It’s practically begging me to work on it, now.  The hard part will be limiting my scrapbooking time so I can get some sewing done! 😉


Pretty Pillow Fabric Thursday, Sep 27 2007 

Pretty Pillow Fabric

26 September 2007

Another productive day at home.  But, another day when I never left the house.  That is, until my husband came home and took me on a dinner date!  Yep!  Since I hadn’t been out of the house since Saturday, Kyle mentioned on the phone early in the day, that he’d like to take me out for dinner and a drink.  Well, I latched right onto that, and showered, and got all dressed up at about five-thirty, just in case.  He finally broke away from his work obligations around seven, and I was so excited about going anywhere, that I never remembered to take a photo while I was out.

Three guesses where we went, though! 😉  I’ve taken pictures there, before!

When we got home, there wasn’t enough time for our sickly television set to warm up to watch anything important, so our season premier viewing of Heroes had to wait again.  Instead, we watched a crazy little new sitcom called, I think, The Big Bang.  This show f-u-n-n-y!  At first glance it seemed like another in a long line of roommate comedies with a geek here and a pretty girl there.  But, before the first commercial break, we were already grinning.  We laughed out loud a lot.  The writing is nothing short of brilliant (these writers must actually be MIT graduates!) and the acting is . . . funny!  Timing and delivery is everything in a comedy, of course, and these guys have twisted the norm just enough to keep the audience from knowing what’s coming.  I was impressed.  If the regular weekly fare lives up to the appetizer, I’m in.

While we were watching TV, I snapped a few photos of the fabric around me.  I’ve joined a flickr group called MacroFabric.  Dedicated, for no good reason, really, to the photography of fabric—close-up.  My little camera has a pretty darned good macro feature, and I enjoy using it.  So, I snapped the skirt I was wearing (great little skirt I bought last summer and had never worn until I got dressed up for my date), the chair on which I sat, the pillow next to me, and my own arm in my sweater.   They all came out pretty well, but I love this fabric in this little pillow so much, I chose it for the KRuMB.  It’s one of those fabrics that I’d buy dozens of yards of, if I could ever find it.  I have this one little pillow, that we’ve used and abused for years—and that’s it.  Can’t  you just see the Elizabethan doublet made from this?  <sigh>


He’s Home! Wednesday, Sep 26 2007 

He's Home!

25 September 2007

Today was a much better day.  I am finally feeling almost normal.  And, although I didn’t feel like going anywhere, I was able to be very productive around the house, and that, too, serves to make me feel better.

Unfortunately, I’ve gotten so much rest over the last three or four days, that my body seems to be rebelling.  I am completely unable to sleep restfully!  This doesn’t happen to me very often, but tonight, there is just no quality sleep for me.  Kyle is exhausted and dealing with severe neck and back pain, and allergies, and so is sleeping fitfully.  I feel so bad for him.  And I just know that my restlessness is making it worse.  I slept for a couple of hours (we went to bed around 11 p.m.), but now I’ve been awake for almost that long!  So, after laying there awake for over an hour, I decided that was stupid—I should just get up and do something!

So, here I am, posting my KRuMB entry like I should have before I went to bed in the first place! 😉

With Kyle’s work schedule being unusual this week, the dogs are missing him.  Cormac layed by the front door for hours, confused by the lateness of Kyle’s arrival.  And, as usual, they know, way before I know, when Kyle is home.  I don’t know if they hear the car engine, or the car door or if they just know—but Cormac will stand at attention at the door for much longer than it ought to take for Kyle to park and walk into the house.  Tonight, because it was so late, I was anxious, too, and was able to snap this photo of Cormac, just before Kyle came in.  You can see that his tail is wagging so fast it can’t be photographed!  It’s not a very good photo, and it’s not pretty to look at, but it captures a happy moment in my day.


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